CardConnect Basic Payment Plugin

Accept credit card payments with CardConnect. Get $100.00 credit when you sign up with us.

Accept online or offline payments with CardConnect. This CardConnect plugin is designed to accept online payments for your nopCommerce store. 

About CardConnect:

Since their inception in 2006, CardConnect has been developing advanced payment solutions backed by patented, PCI- validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization. Today, more than 230,000 businesses, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to youthful startups, use CardConnect to securely process and manage their transactions. To learn more, visit

Picture of CardConnect Basic Payment Plugin
Sign Up today and Receive $100.00 Credit!

CardConnect and Irvine Software Company have joined forces to create a nopCommerce shopping cart plugin that is directly integrated with the CardConnect Gateway. 


For a limited time, when you sign up through, you'll get a $100 credit towards your purchase.


Picture of CardConnect Basic Payment Plugin
Why CardConnect Plugin For Your Payment

CardConnect is a FirstData owned and operated company. Our well developed plugin provides a secure communication to their gatewa for procesing credit card payments for transactions on your nop store. So why choose Irvine Software Company's plugin over others:



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